This generator is for those who don't understand CSS and just want a quick, easy way to customize their profile. If you do know CSS, you may make further adjustments to the code on your own. Contact Neekko if you spot any bugs!
Here is the full blank template for you hardcore CSS coders out there.
UPDATE 27 July 2010: I am aware that some codes, like the ticker, isn't functioning. I'm working on getting this fixed. There will also be a few new codes for some recently-discovered editable areas of the profile.
(All the stuff you see in grey are informational and will not display on your profile.)
/* Generated using the Squiby Profile Generator. */
/* Miscellaneous things... */
/* This is just a fix to correct the faulty look
of the search bar. You don't need to do anything here. */
.page_search { background-position: 2px 2px; }
Squiby Profile Generator created by Neekko.
Adapted from the original Squiby CSS owned by Agoge Inc.
Last updated 12 July 2010
Click the links on the side to edit that particular section.